Hurst Weather
Wednesday 11 September 2024 04:19
Light rain
Temperature 15°C
Feels like 13°C
Wind SW 13mph, gust 27mph
Visibility Moderate - Between 4-10 km
Precipitation 65%
Max UV index 1
A bright start, feeling cool with scattered blustery showers.
A cool but fine start to the day with plenty of sunshine. Scattered blustery showers developing through the morning and afternoon, perhaps locally heavy with a risk of thunder towards the coast. Maximum Temperature 16C.
Any showers gradually fizzling out during the evening to leave a dry night with clear spells. Remaining breezy. Isolated rural frost possible towards dawn. Minimum Temperature 5C.
Another similar day to Wednesday with a good deal of sunshine to start the day, isolated showers perhaps lighter and less frequent. Winds eased a touch but still feeling cool. Maximum Temperature 15C.
Outlook for Friday to Sunday:
A cold start Friday with isolated frost possible leading to a fine and sunny day with light winds. Staying dry Saturday with hazy sunshine, turning cloudy on Sunday.