Hurst Weather
Saturday 21 December 2024 12:16
Partly cloudy (day)
Temperature 11°C
Feels like 8°C
Wind W 16mph, gust 34mph
Visibility Very good - Between 20-40 km
Precipitation 11%
Max UV index 1
Increasingly breezy. Some outbreaks of rain, clearing through the afternoon.
Outbreaks of rain will clear southwards to some sunshine to end the afternoon. Increasing chance of showers following in the evening to western parts. Turning quite windy and feeling colder later. Maximum Temperature 13C.
A windy night with some blustery showers, quickly passing through. Some clear spells and probably remaining mostly dry towards London and Kent. Minimum Temperature 2C.
Sunshine and a few blustery showers on Sunday - possibly wintry at first. Windy and feeling cold. Winds decreasing overnight. Maximum Temperature 7C.
Outlook for Monday to Wednesday:
Monday starting fine and increasingly cloudy. Some rain later and overnight. Christmas Eve much milder with drizzle likely. Christmas Day probably drier and remaining cloudy and feeling noticeably mild.